Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014

Hello everyone! :)

I hope you're all good and enjoying school.. I wish you all a late merry christmas and a great start to 2014! And for the ones with any new year's resolutions, good luck!

I've just started my school again this Tuesday after a lovely and festive holiday with loads of cake, sweets, presents and christmas shopping besides no snow at all here in England. Nevertheless I had a wonderful time and now I slowly have to face my return to Switzerland, which is pretty soon. It's gonna be hard to get used to the kanti lifestyle again, since I only have 5 lessons a day at max, and  sometimes I just have two lessons a day, which is more than relaxed!
I simply enjoy everything here, in England: friends, hostfamily, school, visiting cities and places, food (especially all sorts of cake, cupcakes, shortbread,..) and of course the shopping! ;) Even the weather is totally fine, sometimes rainy and cold but since there's no snow it means there's no danger of slipping or getting attacked with snowballs..
So to make it simple, I'm very well. I'm looking forward to seeing all you mates again soon and until then, have a great time!

Got some pictures for you too, if you are interested..

In Liverpool at the beach, however the city is cool too, with great stores.. ;)

One day I went to Cambridge (an awful long car drive) and had the experience of 'river punting', which was great! It's kind of the 'gondola' in Venice.
And this was one of the best HOT CHOCOLATE WITH MARSHMALLOWS, I've ever had. Besides a lovely maltesers cheesecake! yummy! Maybe you've heard of the place, it's called 'Central Perk', the local cafe in the famous sitcom called 'Friends'.
However, this wonderful picture is located 5 minutes away from my home by foot!

Lovely greetings from abroad, your Lara :)

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