Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

movie night

Hi all! Alisha and Poorvi here :)

We will tell you all about our little movie night we had with our Miss. I'm sure you can guess which movie we watched ;) of course it was "Of Mice and Men"

Here's a picture of the cover :) (btw: George - the guy on the right - has a role in CSI: New York) :P
After our Economy test on Wednesday about accountancy (Buchhaltung), we all went to the english class room. Some of us had ordered pizza and Miss had brought us some home-made muffins and popcorn. We had lots of fun!!

In our normal english lesson we started our new novel "Animal Farm" after having discussed the cover and the content of it.

Have a nice day!! ;)
Alisha and Poorvi <3

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