Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013

Curley's wife

Hi all! How are you guys abroad?
We are fine and working in English class at the moment. We (Rahel and Poorvi) have analyzed the character of Curley's wife in our novel Of Mice and Men. Now we have to write a small blog post about her.

First of all, we want to describe her personal appearance. Here is a passage when she first appears in our novel: "full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes; heavily made up. Her finger-nails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house dress and and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers." (33-34) In general, she is described as a pretty woman. She knows that she is beautiful and likes to show off by dressing up even though she is in the middle of nowhere on a farm.  In short, she is a young, attention-seeking woman.

Now to her character: Because of her youth, she doesn't have a lot of  experience and is rather naive. You can see that when she decides to marry Curley even though she doesn't know him at all. She just did it out of impulse because she was angry, like a child sometimes does. Another example is, when she talks about her dream: She really thought she would receive that letter from Hollywood and would be in the movies. Anybody with a common sense would see immediately that the guy promising her that was lying. By pouring her heart out to Lennie, she also reveals that she's very lonely and desperate. She doesn't have anybody to talk to and Lennie was the next best option. With different words, how desperate do you have to be to confide in a mentally retarded person?

Finally, we can say that in the social hierarchy, she is above the workers but below Curley - but in maturity-wise, only Lennie (with a mental disorder) is lower than her. As her name is never mentioned, we think she is a substitute for women with the same fate.

Greeeeeeeetings from the beautiful KSWE <3 <3 <3 haha
Poorvi & Rahel

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