Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

Hey There!

This are the delayed news from last week (2nd- 6th of December).
Monday was as boring as usual. But Tuesday was horrible! Because on the afternoon we had a English test and afterwords directly a 90 minutes math test about trigonometric functions. The results were disastrous. The average was a 3.1. (AWESOME!)

In the evening the Chinese people(haha Jana, Poorvi & Nicole) had a cinema night with the Kanti Baden (they were soooo looouuud -.-).

In English we read the 3rd chapter of our book Animal Farm.

On Thursday in history class we got a very lovely text about Ludwig XIV's health.
Here a little taste of that: Well his doctors thought that it was very dangerous for a king to have 100% healthy teeth. So they took all of them out and broke jaw twice and a piece of palate followed the teeth... (Delicious!)
And that wasn't even the worst part (but it was very interesting).

So now we wish you a lovely stay & bon appétit!

-Jana & Alexandra

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