Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013


Hi there

This week is now our week off from school here in England :)
No school, but still quite a lot of homework....
But first I enjoy my holiday.
From Saturday to Tuesday I was in Edinburgh with a group of about 25 other exchange students.
We had a great time and saw a lot of this fabulous city!
The other exchange students were from Norway, Finland, Australia, Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, but we talked all the time English. We tried to speak German once or twice, but it felt so strange that we changed back to English after one ot two sentences. We are just so used to it after two months of English all the time!
I met a few Swiss girls and we spent a lot of time together, exploring the city and the Scotish culture.
My camera was with me all the time, so I can show you a few bits of Edinburgh:
Shopping was also a part of our Trip ;)

Scotts Monument and National Gallery

View from a little hill next to Edinburgh

Edinburgh Castle

I hope you don't have that much of work and you can enjoy the autumn!

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