Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

About stereotypes

'England is the country where it always rains'
I'll never use this sentence again. It is just not true. In this more than 50 days in which I'm now staying here, I just had one week rain. No really! I think i had probably less rain that I use to have back in Switzerland :P
To tell no something about the english weather; it is most of the time quite similar to the swiss weather and temperatures. Maybe we have a little bit more wind over here because of the location of the island... But in general it is really nice weather and I'm really enjoying it. :) The thermometer shows still temperatures around 20°C. And even though the sea is now going to bee more rough, it's still so beautiful.
On the weekend we had fish and chips (my first fish and chips during my exchange^^) at the seafront in the warm light of an orange sunset. :) :) It was very nice.

But still there are some existing stereotypes. Like the tea. I've never seen so many people drinking tea. So I have to say, they don't really have a 'tea-time' like we would imagine it (so at any rate nobody who  I know..) but still they drink a lot of tea. A friend of my class told me that she sometimes has 20 cups of tea in a normal day... xD 

Another funny thing which they told me is, that the schools in England are closed if they have more snow than 10cm. Because the trains shut down and all the buses are unable to pass the streets. And you don't go to work any longer. 
But the most stupid thing about this is, that every family starts to buy a lot of food and rations, in case that i would snow for more than three days...So the english people can't handle snow^^
I though it would be funny to have the same rule in Switzerland too- we wouldn't have school the whole winter xD 

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays ( I'll have mine in two weeks :) ) 

With nice greets; Vanessa :) 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Vani
    I think you are right about stereotypes, but it depends totally on where you are in England. Here in the West Midlands the temperatures are only about 5 to 10 degrees and it rains at least three days a week... The winter is coming!
    Enjoy your good weather and enjoy your time!
    Bye Lena

    1. Hei :)
      Yes of course, you're right. But I learned that it would be wrong to generalize... That would be like to say that every swiss person skies (Btw. they ask me this question very very VERY often ^^)
      But yeah now at the time, the winter is coming at the north-east coast too :) Cold and windy weather.
      Enjoy your 4 months ;) See you in january ;)
