Freitag, 6. September 2013

Lena and Rahel Special

Ladies and......... Gentlemen
(drum rolls)
Welcome to the Lena&Rahel Special Show.
Okay, just kiddin'. ;)
We are sitting here in Rahel's room and we are eating self made cookies. That's  the awful truth. Really. We went to the cinema before and watched the film "ELYSIUM". The reason why this is in capital letters is: äh, we don't know. Actually, the film was very good (Lena thought it was very impressive...), but... Yes. It's a big BUT. It was sometimes so disgusting, totally blood-splattered, a lot of violence. Too much for our soft hearts. :(

Now, let's go to the serious part... (blue, dazzled light) (veeery depressed playing on the violin...) (taking out tissues....)
GRAMMAR (dadada (deep breathing))

-ed/ -ing adjectives
Some adjectives are used with two different endings.
e.g. boring/bored.
What's the difference?
1. The teacher is boring, because he talks all the time. (Is actually boring)
2. I'm bored because of the teacher. (Feeling just bored)

can/could/to be able to
I can cook = I am able to cook -> knowledge/ability/qualification
I could cook -> a specific offer/possibility (e.g. I could cook if my mother would help me)

Impossible -> can't be
Certain -> must be
Possible -> might/may be

And now, we're going to enjoy our evening.
(happy music is played dudelidu...)


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