Samstag, 31. August 2013

Hey there! Here is the SoNaFe-Special

Hey everyone!
Nice to have heard from you. Daria, Island is beautiful!! Lena, Lara & Vani, lovely pictures. We hope you are well.
We have a SoNaFe-Special for you so you don't miss anything!
Here we started building our stand.

                                           We had a problem with the grafiti because everyone who touched it was pink :D


                                     This was our VIP-Lounge... You don't want to know what happened in there... XD

In the end we managed to finish our stand without getting all pink. We took away some of the tape because they weren't very inviting.On Friday 7 pm we finally finished it all and got our first customer:)
She loved the brownie!
So now a few pictures :D

This was our Special Energy-Drink. (Tank Some Energy, Put on your winkgs & off to space)

Hanging out with crazy friends :P

Testing the other stands. They are awsome!! Moustache like *-*

Do you recognize this jedi? :D

Awwww!! I want to keep them :)The new security ;)

You to learn have much... XD

Some classmates having fun... :D
The SoNaFe this year was a lot of fun and we gained some money with our brownies and our customers were very lovely. Some of them were very drunk but it was entertaining to watch them :P

We hope to hear from you soon! :D
Enjoy the weekend
Alex & Jana (and the rest of the class) :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Dear all - the Brownies really were delicious. My friends said so as well. You all worked hard, and it was great fun to run into all of you while meandering about at SONAFE. (Also liked the reassuring statements along the lines of: "Miss, I am not drunk" etc. ;-) ) You did a wonderful job, all of you. See you next week, your Miss
