Samstag, 7. September 2013

hi guys!
It seems as if you are all doing well and working really hard in English class.
I'm still speaking English a lot, because everybody speaks English here and it's easier to have a conversation in English than in Icelandic, althoug I'm really trying to speak Icelandic, whenever I can, because I really want to learn it.
But yesterday I went out with the other two Rotary exchange students in Iceland and we spoke English the whole evening. As I came home around 11 p.m. I talked to my parents, again English. Before I went to bed, I wantet to write up my diary in German and I really had to think about the German and so I decided to write in English because I was to tired to think about every word! It was really strange, as I realised, that I was thinking in English and I couldn't remember words in my mother tongue. But I hope, that I'll soon have this feeling with Icelandic, then I want to learn Icelandic and not English, as other exchange students did the year before.

Mateo (Ecuador), Jessica (USA) and I in Reykjavík

At school I'm also in an English class. The level is, compared to all the other languages they learn at school, quite high. The teacher is also really nice and she was also an exchange student in the States, so she speaks English quite well. I like this class, because I understand a little bit more, than in the other classes, altough they speak often Icelandic in class. The school is anyhow really different here.
Everyone talks, whenever they want and they don't care about the teacher. It depends on the teacher, but they use their cellphones and computer always in class. If someone calls you in the lesson, you just walk out of the room and talk to him.
The English teacher tries to work, but it's not as easy with our class as she think it is. But we are having a test on Monday and fortunately I can explain the words, instead of translating them into Icelandic (:
The grammatical stuff we did, was about adjectives and adverbs and contracted sentences, but we worked more on the vocabulary then on the grammar. I'll see, how my first test in Iceland will be, but it doesn't really matter, I just have to take the exam that the teachers get their pay!

And I still love Iceland!!! It's wonderful and it's getting better every day. And guess what, last Thursday I didn't rain the whole day. It was just clear sky and after the frost from the night it was really warm during the day.

I wish you all a good time and keep on writing!


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