Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

Rainy greets from the south-east coast of England ;)

Hei there :)

I'm staying now in my hostfamily for almost two weeks and I really enjoy it to be here. I've got a very nice hostfamily. My hostmother is very friendly and Emily (she's four) is so lovely. Also the male members are very nice. And I feel very comfortable.
Last week it was about 30 degrees over here :) No clouds and no wind. Just sun. And it was beautiful and a perfect time to swim in the sea :) :)
I went to the beach a few times with my hostmother, the children and the dogs, they really enjoyed their swim.
But yeah now the weather changed and it is raining all the time (just british weather).

Also the school is nice. But they just have to do 4 subjects and on a day you just have three lessons...
Thats weird xD But there are a lot of free-lessons between the lessons, so you have to stay in school about six hours.
And you don't have sports lessons...:/ I really miss it.
But the people are very nice and friendly. And also the teachers try to include the exchange students (there are fife on the whole school). So it's going well.

I hope your school is not to hard and stressful at the moment and I really hope that your weather is better than mine ;)

With the best greets from Whitstable, Vanessa :) <3

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