Hæ! (that means Hi! in Icelandic but it is pronounced the same as in English)
I spend my first day here in Iceland and it's wonderful. My sisters showed me a few tourist attractions like the geysir or a waterfall.
Gullfoss |
Geysir |
The landscape of Iceland is beautiful and vary. The people here (my hostfamily) are also really nice and they speak English very well. Until now I mostly spoke English, because everyone speaks English and I don't know enough Icelandic to speak (or maybe I'm just to shy to try..) My hostfamily told me about their last exchange student they had. In the end of her year, she could speak fluently English but not even count till ten in Icelandic. So if I would like to, I could also learn English here, but I'm here to learn Icelandic! (:
Tomorrow I have to go to school, choose my classes and then I'll get my schedule. I hope that I'll understand something at school, but someone told me, that the teachers are taking care of the exchange students and look, that we'll understand it.
Have fun at school and let me hear from you soon!
bless, daria
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