Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

Animal Farm Thesis: Mollie has an evil side

We had to do an analysis of a thesis concerning the novel "Animal Farm" from George Orwell, which we've read in class. So here is mine (Xenia):

Mollie has an evil side

In Orwell’s novel Animal Farm exists a very extraordinary animal. It is Mollie, the horse with the evil side.

Mollie is a gorgeous white mare and the favourite animal of Mr. Jones. She is spoilt and narcissistic and the only thing she can think of is her beauty. Mollie is hooked on ribbons and always wants to wear them. She is so fixed on her appearance and always celebrates her beauty that it is a real obsession.

When the day arrives that Mollie has to work, she decides to leave the farm secretly, because she doesn’t want to work at all, but keep her high standard of living and luxury. In my opinion she has quite a mean character, because she turns her back on the other animals, even though they probably need her help and hurts her friends by going to their greatest enemies – the human beings. This behaviour is selfish and shows her evil side very well. In her eyes the only thing, which is important enough to take care of, is herself. She doesn’t hesitate to change sides when she sees the advantages for her.

Because Mollie is so beautiful no one would ever think that she has an evil side. She distracts the other animals with her beauty from her real character and her mean heart. But just because someone is beautiful outside doesn’t mean that this person is also beautiful inside.

Freitag, 16. Mai 2014

Finally a new post

Hi everyone

We just noticed that it has been a very long time since someone posted something here.
So here's what we did (that's especially for you now Daria ;)):
We had to interview a native English speaker and now we have to write a short article about him or her.
We, Alex, Poorvi and Lena W., interviewed Lena's neighbour. His name is Rudolph Bader and he is Swiss but also a professor of English literature, so his English is naturally very good. He's retired now and writes his own novels. Half of the year he lives in his house on the south coast of England and the other half in Wil in Switzerland.
Here's a small extract from our interview. Try to guess who asks the question :P

You find the extract on BSCW in the folder for English :)

See ya
Alex, Poorvi, Lena W.